Who We Are

At Bulk Electric Supply, our mission is to empower contractors of all sizes with exceptional value, ensuring their success and promoting industry-wide growth. Our foundation is built on the premise that by providing the best deals available, we can contribute to the prosperity of both contractors and their clients.

With a rich background in the electrical industry spanning over a decade, our expertise encompasses a wide range of areas, from hands-on installation and field work to material procurement, sales, and back-office management. Our experience has consistently revealed one crucial insight: the potential to minimize costs and maximize profits is always within reach.

At the heart of our vision lies the commitment to support electricians and their clients in our local community by making a tangible impact on material costs. By choosing Bulk Electric Supply as your go-to source for everyday materials, you can rest assured that you're receiving the best possible deals, enabling your business to reduce overhead and boost profitability. Together, let's create a brighter, more prosperous future for everyone involved.